Hannah's Blog

I was HALTED by the Universe. In a BIG BIG way. Feb 25, 2021

I was HALTED by the Universe. In a BIG BIG way. 

This past 2 weeks has been the hardest of my entire life.

There are sooo many people around me that have lost hope in me, lost faith... given up on me... 'It has taken too long, you're always saying this.' 

Some of you will turn around...

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Spiritual poo's 💩 & RELATIONSHIP PATTERNS ARE STORED HERE - Sacral Chakra Feb 24, 2021
The old patterns are STORED here. The new patterns are stored here. Sounds weird right - in your Sacral? You’d think it would be brain right?
However, at the Sacral - when we talk about this...
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When I first began online.... Feb 22, 2021

When I first began online, all I wanted to do was help people be happy. 

I took courses to teach me how to figure it out and when they said you have to focus on one thing and niche down and only do this one core thing I hit a wall. 

What do you mean, ONE thing?? 

All I wanted to do...

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Kinda interesting when people talk behind my back saying I’ve been under the influences of dark forces and black magic Feb 10, 2021
Kinda interesting when people talk behind my back saying I’ve been under the influences of dark forces and black magic. I always find shit out - you know - the truth ALWAYS surfaces thing? That one... gossip flies and the wings always land it to where they need to be shown the truth about...
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I get so agitated when I hear people saying Feb 08, 2021

I get so agitated when I hear people saying 'they're just stuck in victim consciousness' ffs people really?!

What they're really saying is that:

  • their emotions are invalid
  • that they shouldn't be feeling the way they are feeling
  • they should stop with these 'crocodile tears' - when they...
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I didn't come here to fit in Jan 30, 2021

I didn't come here to fit in...

I didn't come here to be liked... or loved... 

But.. somewhere along the lines... I got lost in the midst of taking everyone's words as gospel.... listening to them over myself...

I got lost in trying to understand how something I said so naturally so......

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You might pretend to not see me Jan 27, 2021
You might pretend to not see me - but I saw you turn your back on me and tell your partner as they stared straight at me as I walked past. YOU BITCH!
I was gutted. Well, I didn't realise I was... but on the 45min drive home I felt...
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🌟 I am not from the stars... I AM THE STARS 🌟 Jan 21, 2021

I am not from the stars... I AM THE STARS 

I am the ethers from the sea in which you pine for...

I am the ocean of the calling from the birth in which you arrived for... 

I am the increased frequent heart beat of the one you wish for...

I am the divine sensuality you long for... 

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Something has massively shifted Jan 17, 2021

Something has massively shifted... when I love on myself, even when I don't look my what I feel is my best, I know I have changed. Raw. Real. Vulnerable. Radical. Unconditional Love. 

When I can support myself in ways that nurture me, instead of beat up on me when I have had a massive week...

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I've been in denial... Jan 14, 2021

I've been in denial... 

I hit a wall on Saturday. I just couldn't. I stopped. I cried and I was internally angry and I didn't even realise how much by. It was seething. And I began pointing fingers in my mind, in my energy in my... internal anger. 

And then I caught myself. Oh... hang...

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