Hannah's Blog

READING RESULTS ARE IN for 18th Sept '18 dear Souls!!! 🌟🔮🌟 Sep 18, 2018
The Soul's Journey Cards super called to be here today - YOUR SOUL IS CALLING YOU - are you listening to that call?
Scroll down to find what number jumped out at you today and see what messages the Soul's Journey Oracle has for you...
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READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!! ✨🔮✨ Sep 11, 2018

READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!!

Scroll down to find your number today to see what The Secret Language of Colour Oracle has for you today 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 

Card #1: Orange. Nurture Yourself.

Ah - well, do I need to write more about this?? Nurture...

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Free Psychic Reading ❤️🔮❤️ Sep 11, 2018
Pick which number that first jumps out at you, that your eyes are drawn to, that you see in your minds eye, that you just know, that you just sense or you are drawn to and comment your number below to let me know what...
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READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!! ✨🔮✨ Sep 04, 2018

READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!!

Scroll down to find your number that you chose today to see what messages streamed through from Archangel Raphael for you today, our Healing Archangel. 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 

Card #1: Diet is Important Here. “Dear...

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FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 4th September 2018 ✨🔮✨ Sep 04, 2018
FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 4th September 2018
Hello Spring & Autumn - our transition months around the globe
Pick which number first draws your attention, first jumps out at you, that your eyes are drawn to, that you first hear in your mind, that you just...
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READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!! ✨🔮✨ Aug 28, 2018

READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!!

OMG super excited to release this for you today!!!! BIG Ear Chakra theme - are you LISTENING? Was a deep message overlying message today. PLUS what I have opened for you today! Ear Chakras - opening - opening up to receiving! Love it! 

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Tuesday Tarot is HERE!!! FREE PSYCHIC READING! For Tuesday 27th August 2018 Aug 28, 2018

Tuesday Tarot is HERE!!! FREE PSYCHIC READING! For Tuesday 28th August 2018 

Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that your eyes are drawn to, that you hear in your mind, that you just know, or you just sense and comment your number below to let me know what number...

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READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!! ✨🔮✨ Aug 21, 2018

READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!!

OMG sooo excited to be celebrating 2 consecutive years of never missing a single Tuesday Tarot with you!!! If you would like deep support to shift you like you've never experienced in such a short space of time and want to get to the core of it for...

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FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 21st August 2018 Aug 21, 2018
FREE PSYCHIC READING for Tuesday Tarot 21st August 2018
Pick which number jumps out at you, that first comes to mind, that you hear in your mind, that your eyes are drawn to, that you just sense, or you just know and comment your number below to let me know what number you choose for...
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READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!! ✨🔮✨ Aug 14, 2018

READING RESULTS ARE IN beautiful Souls!!!

Scroll down to find your number that you chose earlier on, to see what the Mermaids and Dolphins have for you today beautiful one! There is certainly a lot of joy, coming through from these powerful Dolphins today and the Sacred Sensual Mermaids of you...

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