Hannah's Blog

Manifestation - is about Completion. May 13, 2023

Manifestation - is about Completion. When we have manifested something. We have completed it, we have it in our hot little hands. Abraham Hicks, says that what we would call, stages before our hot little hand - our thoughts - is actually manifestation in completion. 

For this moment, I want to talk...

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You're an Ancient Blooded Healer, that's why Jan 06, 2023

It is normal to fall apart with your sensitive Heart 

I feel so deeply, that the finest hurtful words, projections or otherwise cut me deep. 

It is normal to bawl your eyes out and fall to a heap. 

It is normal to feel so deeply that you wonder if something is wrong with you. 

it is normal to sh...

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You are always in the right place at the right time, even if it doesn’t seem like it Jan 04, 2023

You are always in the right place at the right time, even if it doesn’t seem like it, feel like it or you feel lost. These are usually the times you are MORE than in the right place. Of course there are those moments when you SUPER feel in flow and where you are meant to be and then there are times ...

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Yikes. What an UPGRADE. Yesterday was INTENSE. Dec 28, 2022

Yikes. What an UPGRADE. Yesterday was INTENSE.

I don’t have a single word for 2023 - I have a phrase: “How about I do whatever the fuck I want to do and find out how free I can be?!” đŸ’„đŸ”„

This year 2022 - has been SURRENDER - I kinda had no choice when this time last year I couldn’t even walk and was p...

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You always have enough time to get everything you need to get done - done! Nov 23, 2022

You always have enough time to get everything you need to get done - done! 

It’s just that you’re not prioritising your time to get the things you really need to get done - DONE! 

And if you really don’t have time (which is a lie) - then hire help so you do have time. 

You will never have time fo...

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When you're triggered... May 09, 2022

When you’re triggered instead of taking on their stuff understand, what’s yours and what you are bold enough to own - that you activate those and you guide them Home. 

When you separate yourself from their ‘stuff’, your power increases ten-fold.

In this space all will be answered for you, but you ...

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Announcements đŸ€©đŸŒ™đŸ•ŠđŸ’ŽđŸŒˆ Nov 21, 2021

So many amazing things are happening here for you at Reality Awareness leading up to the end of the year!! And I'm so excited to be able to bring them all to you!! 

Click here for my Clear & Activate Pack, my free gift to you.
Click here for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Heale...

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Announcements đŸ€©đŸŒ™đŸ•ŠđŸ’ŽđŸŒˆ Nov 21, 2021

So many amazing things are happening here for you at Reality Awareness leading up to the end of the year!! And I'm so excited to be able to bring them all to you!! 

Click here for my Clear & Activate Pack, my free gift to you.
Click here for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Heale...

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There is a time for deep healing work Nov 03, 2021

There is a time for deep healing work and then there is a time for realising the fuck who you are and that you ARE the healing. 

There is a time for diving deep into the deepest wounds that you have been carrying for eons of time - then there is at a time for LIVING the reason you did the healing w...

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It’s okay to fully trust yourself. Nov 02, 2021

It’s okay to fully trust yourself.

It’s okay to fully back yourself. 

It's okay to walk dedicatedly in your own flow. 

It’s okay to allow yourself to step away from what’s no longer in alignment.

It’s okay to walk towards, face and only focus on what feels right for you.

It’s okay to completely...

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