Hannah's Blog

That feeling when… Mar 31, 2024

That feeling when… you’ve trusted yourself enough to step into the highest iteration of you…

This is for you if you can feel yourself in huge transition in your life right now, whether you are moving through a relationship break up, divorce, career change or some other big...

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You’re someone who knows they are destined for Purpose Made Millions 💸 Mar 29, 2024

You’re someone who knows they are destined for Purpose Made Millions

But you can sense that the relationships around you are affecting you

You can FEEL them draining your Soul

They make you want to crawl in a ball and hide away - not come out and shine in the world - like your Purpose work...

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When $333,333 feels like $33,333…. Mar 24, 2024

When $333,333 feels like $33,333…. 

When $33,333 feels like $3,333….. 

When $3,333 feels like $333… 

When $333 feels like $33 - you know you’ve shifted your reality around money… 

Your energetic frequency around money is EVERYTHING. The way it...

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