Hannah's Blog
Instead of the word 'busy' - instead, say, 'full schedule'.
Busy creates a frantic energy and yet, full schedule has a different vibe to it and I choose this one
And it is definitely the vibe of late
There was a time, not long ago, isolation on 250 acres was incredibly... well isolated. Like a...
Eclipses: Soulmates, Twin Flames, do’s and don’t’s, energy leaks - the potency of how you can be influenced and swept in the tornado or allow the upgrade without touching your external
Click here for all the details for Life Purpose Accelerator, doors...
A new take, on Dr Emoto’s powerful work with the Water Crystals that will completely shatter your reality about what you think it is
The timelines are spheres and you are choosing how much that spheres expands by your focus. Right now - you are choosing your timeline. But the timelines - are not really lines anymore. They are dots. However, they are more like... spheres.
Spheres of creations. Spheres of worlds...
I can feel it about to drop in - not consciously aware of what just yet - but it is definitely there. This moving to the next level of expansion - has been... huge to say the least - but hey - isn't expansion huge? It's getting bigger? So... this is normal right?
I can feel this entire trip...
I See People Telling People 'you just need to not be in the pain of it' 'you just need to think a positive thought' 'you just need to get over it' 'you just need to forget about it' 'you just need to choose the light and decide to let it go' 'you need to choose to move into a higher vibration'...
The Upgrades Can Feel Mighty Uncomfortable & Confusing
I remember feeling totally freaked out when I consciously experienced my first upgrade.
It was deeply uncomfortable, I felt
- weird
- vulnerable
- scared (so scared!)
- wired and couldn't stop crying ...